Today, the Baha'i faith is the second most widespread religion in the world. It first began to grow in Southwest Asia when Baha'ullah was banished and exiled many times, bringing his beliefs to wherever he moved to. The geographical spread of the religion throughout the rest of the world was the result of two major breakthroughs.
The first major breakthrough was during the early 20th century when the religion was able to spread to Christian Europe and North America. Before this, the religion was constricted to regions of mainly Muslim constituency.
The second major breakthrough occurred in the 1950s and 1960s when the faith was able to spread throughout villages in Third World countries. This was mainly an effect of the Baha'i's decision to shift their focus of missionary activities from western-influenced primate cities to the rural, illiterate masses.
The first major breakthrough was during the early 20th century when the religion was able to spread to Christian Europe and North America. Before this, the religion was constricted to regions of mainly Muslim constituency.
The second major breakthrough occurred in the 1950s and 1960s when the faith was able to spread throughout villages in Third World countries. This was mainly an effect of the Baha'i's decision to shift their focus of missionary activities from western-influenced primate cities to the rural, illiterate masses.

In all today, the Baha'i Faith is prospering with about 6 million followers in 236 different countries
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