اطلاعاتی در خصوص دین بهاییت

اخبار بهایی و اخبار جامعه بهائیت احکام بهائی آیین بهائی باورهای بهائیون زندانیان بهائی زندانیان بهایی کتب بهائی دانلود آثار بهائی قبله بهاییون قبله بهائیون تقویم بهائی سالنامه بهاییون حضرت بهاء الله حضرت عبدالبهاء شوقی فیس بوک جمهوری اسلامی اعدام خودکشی

شنبه، تیر ۱۲، ۱۳۹۵

پیروان اولیه حضرت بهاءالله

پیروان اولیه حضرت بهاءالله، نوزده تن از اولین افرادی بودند که در گسترش آموزه‌های حضرت بهاءالله و ترویج دیانت بهائی بسیار کوشیدند..

 1. Mirza Musa: the only true brother of Baha’u’llah, surnamed “Kalim.”
2. Mirza Buzurg: youthful martyr, bearer of Baha’u’llah’s Tablet to Nasiri’d-Din Shah, surnamed “Badi.” [Wonderful]
3. Siyyid Hasan: one of the martyred brothers of Isfahan, surnamed “Sultanu’sh-Shuhada.” [King of the Martyrs]
4. Mulla Abu’l-Hasan: faithful steward of Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha, surnamed “Amin.”
5. Mirza Abu’l-Fadl-i-Gulpaygani: Foremost and authoritative expounder of the Baha’i Revelation.
6. Mirza ‘Ali Muhammad: poet, teacher, and martyr of te Faith, surnamed “Varqa.”
7. Mirza Mahmud: an indomitable spirit and jealous defender of the Faith.
8. Mulla ‘Ali Akbar: a flame of zeal and devotion.
9. Mulla Muhammad: learned and steadfast exponent of the Baha’i Revelation, surnamed “Nabil-Akbar.”
10. Haji Mirza Muhammad Taqi: cousin of the Bab and chief builder of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar of Ishqabad, surnamed “Kabir-i-Afnan.”
11. Haji Mirza Muhammad Taqi: prominent teacher.
12. Mulla Muhammad: poet, historian, and teacher of the Faith, surnamed “Nabil-i-A’zam.”
13. Shaykh Kazim: a flame of the love of God, favored of Baha’u’llah, surnamed “Samandar.”
14. Muhammad Mustafa: brave and vigilant custodian and bearer of the remains of the Bab.
15. Mirza Husayn: distinguished calligraphist, and companion-in-exile of Baha’u’llah, surnamed “Mishkin-Qalam.”
16. Mirza Hasan: devoted teacher of the Cause, surnamed “Adib.”
17. Shaykh Muhammah ‘Ali: eloquent and learned champion of the Faith in Russian Turkistan
18. Zaynu’l-‘Abidin: noted scribe, chief figure among “the exiles of Mosul,” surnamed “Zaynu’l-Muqarrabin)
19. Mirza ‘Ali Muhammah: zealous advocate in the early days of the proclamation of the covenant of Baha’u’llah, surnamed “Shahid-ibn-i-Shahid.”
( حواریون حضرت بهاءالله ( نام + عکس
1. Mírzá Músá
2. Badí‘
3. Sultánu’sh-Shuhada’ (King of Martyrs)
4. Hájí Amín
5. Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl
6. Varqá
7. Mírzá Mahmúd
8. Hají Ákhúnd
9. Nabíl-i-Akbar
10. Vakílu’d-Dawlih
11. Ibn-i-Abhar
12. Nabíl-i-A’zam
13. Samandar
14. Mírzá Mustafá
15. Mishkín-Qalam
16. Adíb
17. Shaykh Muhammad-’Alí
18. Zaynu’l-Muqarrabín
19. Ibn-i-Asdaq

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